

主辦機構 活動/比賽名稱 成就/獎項 學生姓名
亞洲體育及藝術文化協會 亞洲體藝學界徵文比賽2024 小學中級組 銀獎 4A李孝仁
亞洲體育及藝術文化協會 亞洲體藝學界徵文比賽2024 小學中級組 亞軍 4A崔藴怡
亞洲體育及藝術文化協會 亞洲體藝學界徵文比賽2024 小學中級組 亞軍 6A李巧𡝮
香港學校音樂及朗誦協會 第七十六屆香港學校朗誦節 小學四年級女子粵語詩詞獨誦 季軍 4A陳圓熹
香港學校音樂及朗誦協會 第七十六屆香港學校朗誦節 小學六年級女子粵語詩詞獨誦 優良獎狀 6A楊靖
香港學校音樂及朗誦協會 第七十六屆香港學校朗誦節 小學五年級女子粵語詩詞獨誦 優良獎狀 5B張芷浟
香港學校音樂及朗誦協會 第七十六屆香港學校朗誦節 小學五年級女子粵語詩詞獨誦 優良獎狀 5B張芷淇
香港學校音樂及朗誦協會 第七十六屆香港學校朗誦節 小學五年級女子粵語詩詞獨誦 良好獎狀 5B蔡祤縈
香港學校音樂及朗誦協會 第七十六屆香港學校朗誦節 小學三年級女子粵語詩詞獨誦 優良獎狀 3A陳以晴
香港學校音樂及朗誦協會 第七十六屆香港學校朗誦節 小學三年級女子粵語詩詞獨誦 優良獎狀 3A梁珮珮
香港學校音樂及朗誦協會 第七十六屆香港學校朗誦節 小學六年級男子粵語詩詞獨誦 優良獎狀 6B劉燿𤋮
香港學校音樂及朗誦協會 第七十六屆香港學校朗誦節 小學五年級男子粵語詩詞獨誦 優良獎狀 5B盧鎮匡
香港學校音樂及朗誦協會 第七十六屆香港學校朗誦節 小學四年級男子粵語詩詞獨誦 優良獎狀 4B胡澔軒
香港學校音樂及朗誦協會 第七十六屆香港學校朗誦節 小學二年級男子粵語詩詞獨誦 良好獎狀 2B黃浩宇
香港學校音樂及朗誦協會 第七十六屆香港學校朗誦節 小學二年級男子粵語詩詞獨誦 優良獎狀 2A盧柏睿
香港學校音樂及朗誦協會 第七十六屆香港學校朗誦節 小學一年級男子粵語詩詞獨誦 優良獎狀 1B劉信霆
香港兒童文藝協會 灣區美味尋蹤──粵港澳小學生童心相連同題創作大賽 粵港澳小學組 一等獎 6B葛家懿
香港肝臟移植協康會 推廣肝臟健康計劃2024--全港中小學中文硬筆書法比賽 小學組 優異 2A歐紫曈
香港肝臟移植協康會 推廣肝臟健康計劃2024--全港中小學中文硬筆書法比賽 小學組 優異 6B葛家懿


主辦機構 活動/比賽名稱 成就/獎項 學生姓名
The English Association of Asia Asian English Spelling Competition - 2024 Golden Bee Cup live Competition Primary 3-4 Group Bronze Award 4A陳圓熹
Hong Kong Academic, Sports and Aesthetics Assessments The 2nd Hong Kong Junior English Penmanship Competition Primary Silver award 2B姜蔚蕎
Hong Kong Academic, Sports and Aesthetics Assessments The 2nd Hong Kong Junior English Penmanship Competition Primary Bronze award  1B葉天樂
Hong Kong Academic, Sports and Aesthetics Assessments The 2nd Hong Kong Junior English Penmanship Competition Primary Silver award 2B黃梓喬
Hong Kong Academic, Sports and Aesthetics Assessments The 2nd Hong Kong Junior English Penmanship Competition Primary Gold award 3A鄭鎧澄
Hong Kong Academic, Sports and Aesthetics Assessments The 2nd Hong Kong Junior English Penmanship Competition Primary Silver award 3B蘇心怡
Hong Kong Academic, Sports and Aesthetics Assessments The 2nd Hong Kong Junior English Penmanship Competition Primary Silver award 4B鄭紫柔
Hong Kong Academic, Sports and Aesthetics Assessments The 2nd Hong Kong Junior English Penmanship Competition Primary Bronze award  4A李孝仁
Hong Kong Academic, Sports and Aesthetics Assessments The 2nd Hong Kong Junior English Penmanship Competition Primary Gold award 4B黃瑞奇
Hong Kong Academic, Sports and Aesthetics Assessments The 2nd Hong Kong Junior English Penmanship Competition Primary Silver award 5A張紫蕎
UNESCO Hong Kong Association UNSDGs Primary Debating Friendly Competition Junior Best speaker 4A黃淦
UNESCO Hong Kong Association UNSDGs Primary Debating Friendly Competition Junior Best speaker 4A崔藴怡
UNESCO Hong Kong Association UNSDGs Primary Debating Friendly Competition Senior Best speaker 5B葉睿旗
UNESCO Hong Kong Association UNSDGs Primary Debating Friendly Competition Senior Best speaker 6B梁佑朗
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4A陳進傑
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4A陳樂衡
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4A陳信延
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4A陳圓熹
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4A趙希怡
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4A趙諾瑤
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4A鍾卓言
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4A藍澔
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4A林穎彤
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4A羅子桓
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4A李孝仁
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4A李浠桐
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4A梁雅喬
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4A梁天愉
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4A李俊秀
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4A劉嘉豪
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4A盧天穎
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4A吳紫萱
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4A彭衍博
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4A崔藴怡
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4A王澄
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4A黃淦
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4A余灝軒
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4B陳熹穎
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4B周詩淳
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4B鄭紫柔
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4B周敬知
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4B鍾翱赯
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4B葛家榮
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4B夏立仁
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4B何信一
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4B何恩樂
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4B何易芯
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4B葉學知
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4B葉朗睿
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4B劉希頌
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4B李暉揚
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4B李之晴
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4B李知樂
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4B盧俊希
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4B羅柏欣
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4B呂品諾
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4B吳柏朗
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4B蕭芍潼
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4B韋藍
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4B黃瑞奇
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Choral Speaking-Primary 4 to 6-Mixed Voice Merit 4B胡澔軒
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Solo Verse Speaking Merit 4B夏立仁
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Solo Verse Speaking Merit 4A趙希怡
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Solo Verse Speaking Merit 3B林卓峰
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Solo Verse Speaking Merit 2A鄭柏洭
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Solo Verse Speaking Merit 2A周軒佑
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Solo Verse Speaking Merit 1A趙熙蕾
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Solo Verse Speaking Merit 2B李幸渘
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Solo Verse Speaking Merit 2B葉知忡
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Solo Verse Speaking Merit 4B何恩樂
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Solo Verse Speaking Third place 3B黎昭滺
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Solo Verse Speaking Merit 4A吳紫萱
Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association 76th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2024) (English Speech) Solo Verse Speaking Merit 3B鄧皓文


主辦機構 活動/比賽名稱 成就/獎項 學生姓名
中國銀行(香港)有限公司 奧運常識知多D問答比賽  小學組 個人獎 5A劉智立
中國銀行(香港)有限公司 奧運常識知多D問答比賽  小學組 個人獎 3B賴柏湧


主辦機構 活動/比賽名稱 成就/獎項 學生姓名
中國電子學會、中國海洋學會 水中無人系統挑戰賽 小學組 一等獎 5A郭梓丞
中國電子學會、中國海洋學會 水中無人系統挑戰賽 小學組 一等獎 5B黃思睿
中國電子學會、中國海洋學會 水中無人系統挑戰賽 小學組 一等獎 5B馬子朗
佛教葉紀南紀念中學 快如疾風機械人編桯比賽 小學組 二等獎 5A郭梓丞
佛教葉紀南紀念中學 快如疾風機械人編桯比賽 小學組 二等獎 5B盧鎮匡
佛教葉紀南紀念中學 快如疾風機械人編桯比賽 小學組 二等獎 6A林炘瑤
佛教葉紀南紀念中學 快如疾風機械人編桯比賽 小學組 二等獎 6A李巧𡝮
Camel STEAM Robot Fight VEXIQ 英來盃 小學組 金獎 3A陳滶星
Camel STEAM Robot Fight VEXIQ 英來盃 小學組 金獎 3A張銘深
Camel STEAM Robot Fight VEXIQ 英來盃 小學組 金獎 3A張柏澄
Camel STEAM Robot Fight VEXIQ 英來盃 小學組 金獎 3A袁一瑜
Camel STEAM Robot Fight VEXIQ 英來盃 小學組 金獎 3B林卓峰


主辦機構 活動/比賽名稱 成就/獎項 學生姓名
香港學校音樂及朗誦協會 第七十六屆香港學校朗誦節 普通話詩詞獨誦 優良 4A趙希怡
香港學校音樂及朗誦協會 第七十六屆香港學校朗誦節 普通話詩詞獨誦 優良 4A梁雅喬


主辦機構 活動/比賽名稱 成就/獎項 學生姓名
中國香港學界體育聯賽 2024-25 年度九龍西區小學校際游泳比賽 女丙50米蛙泳 亞軍 3B何卓珈
中國香港學界體育聯賽 2024-25 年度九龍西區小學校際游泳比賽 女甲50米背泳 亞軍 6A曾皓欣
中國香港學界體育聯賽 2024-25 年度九龍西區小學校際游泳比賽 女甲50米蛙蝶泳 季軍 6A曾皓欣
中聖書院 中聖書院小學友校接力邀請賽 小學女子組 季軍 5B張芷淇
中聖書院 中聖書院小學友校接力邀請賽 小學女子組 季軍 6A陳貴詞
中聖書院 中聖書院小學友校接力邀請賽 小學女子組 季軍 6A鄭芷妮
中聖書院 中聖書院小學友校接力邀請賽 小學女子組 季軍 6A高啟晴
中國香港跳繩體育聯會及東區體育會 慶祝中華人民共和國成立 75 周年 東區跳繩公開賽 2024 30 秒前繩電子速度賽(公開組) 06歲或以下男子組亞軍 2A許信望
中國香港跳繩體育聯會及東區體育會 慶祝中華人民共和國成立 75 周年 東區跳繩公開賽 2024 30秒單側迴旋速度賽 (公開組) 08歲或以下混合組優等獎 2A許信望
中國香港跳繩體育聯會及東區體育會 慶祝中華人民共和國成立 75 周年 東區跳繩公開賽 2024 30 秒前繩電子速度賽(公開組) 09歲男子組優等獎 4B葛家榮
中國香港學界體育聯賽 2024-25 年度九龍西區小學校際田徑比賽 女子丙組接力 第八名 3A周楚蕎
中國香港學界體育聯賽 2024-25 年度九龍西區小學校際田徑比賽 女子丙組圑體 優異 3A周楚蕎
中國香港學界體育聯賽 2024-25 年度九龍西區小學校際田徑比賽 女子丙組接力 第八名 3B吳祉澄
中國香港學界體育聯賽 2024-25 年度九龍西區小學校際田徑比賽 女子丙組圑體 優異 3B吳祉澄
中國香港學界體育聯賽 2024-25 年度九龍西區小學校際田徑比賽 女子丙組接力 第八名 4A林穎彤
中國香港學界體育聯賽 2024-25 年度九龍西區小學校際田徑比賽 女子丙組圑體 優異 4A林穎彤
中國香港學界體育聯賽 2024-25 年度九龍西區小學校際田徑比賽 女子丙組接力 第八名 4B鄭紫柔
中國香港學界體育聯賽 2024-25 年度九龍西區小學校際田徑比賽 女子丙組圑體 優異 4B鄭紫柔
中國香港學界體育聯賽 2024-25 年度九龍西區小學校際田徑比賽 女子丙組跳遠 第五名 4B鄭紫柔
中國香港學界體育聯賽 2024-25 年度九龍西區小學校際田徑比賽 女子丙組接力 第八名 4B羅柏欣
中國香港學界體育聯賽 2024-25 年度九龍西區小學校際田徑比賽 女子丙組圑體 優異 4B羅柏欣
中國香港學界體育聯賽 2024-25 年度九龍西區小學校際田徑比賽 女子丙組接力 第八名 4B蕭芍潼
中國香港學界體育聯賽 2024-25 年度九龍西區小學校際田徑比賽 女子丙組圑體 優異 4B蕭芍潼
中國香港學界體育聯賽 2024-25 年度九龍西區小學校際田徑比賽 女子丙組100米 殿軍 4B蕭芍潼
中國香港學界體育聯賽 2024-25 年度九龍西區小學校際田徑比賽 女子乙組60米 第六名 5B張芷淇
中國香港學界體育聯賽 2024-25 年度九龍西區小學校際田徑比賽 女子甲組200米 殿軍 6A陳貴詞


主辦機構 活動/比賽名稱 成就/獎項 學生姓名


主辦機構 活動/比賽名稱 成就/獎項 學生姓名


主辦機構 活動/比賽名稱 成就/獎項 學生姓名
九龍地域校長聯會、香港島校長聯會、新界校長會 學校推動愛國主義教育嘉許禮暨專題講座 小學組 嘉許狀 6A鄭芷妮
九龍地域校長聯會、香港島校長聯會、新界校長會 學校推動愛國主義教育嘉許禮暨專題講座 小學組 嘉許狀 6B梁紀然
九龍地域校長聯會、香港島校長聯會、新界校長會 學校推動愛國主義教育嘉許禮暨專題講座 小學組 嘉許狀 5A陳心睿
九龍地域校長聯會、香港島校長聯會、新界校長會 學校推動愛國主義教育嘉許禮暨專題講座 小學組 嘉許狀 6B林釺瑩
九龍地域校長聯會、香港島校長聯會、新界校長會 學校推動愛國主義教育嘉許禮暨專題講座 小學組 嘉許狀 6A鄧思言