

  • Enhancing strategies for grammar learning and teaching, emphasising the importance of text grammar (through task-based learning)
  • Providing suggestions on catering learner diversity in English language learning, including addressing the needs of learners with special educational needs (SEN) and gifted learners in the mainstream English classroom.
  • Developing assessment literacy among teachers and learners through extending assessment for learning to assessment as learning (e.g. Process Writing) and developing learners’ metacognitive skills to promote learner independence and facilitate self-directed learning.
  • Strengthening literacy development (e.g. Reading workshop and other reading activities) and Reading across the Curriculum (RaC) (e.g English weeks and other English enrichment programmes) through connecting students’ learning experiences and incorporating new literacy practices to enable learners to process and create multimodal texts.
  • Highlighting the importance of e-learning and the need for teachers to develop an e-learning repertoire to enhance learning and teaching effectiveness, and the need to provide opportunities to help learners develop information literacy.
  • Strengthening values education to develop learners’ positive values and attitudes and facilitate whole-person development.
  • Promoting STEM education to help learners develop personal attributes and qualities required in the 21st century, such as innovativeness and entrepreneurial spirit
  • Stressing the need to develop and apply generic skills in a complementary and integrative manner in the process of accomplishing English learning tasks.



Learn to Read

Read to Learn

  • To be proficient in biliterate and trilingual communication for better study and life.
  • To acquire and construct a broad and solid knowledge base, and to be able to understand contemporary issues that may impact on learners’ daily lives at personal, community, national and global levels.
  • To develop and apply generic skills in an integrative manner, and to become independent and self-directed learners for future study and work.
  • To be an informed and responsible citizen with a sense of national and global identity, appreciation of positive values and attitudes as well as Chinese culture, and respect for pluralism in society.
  • To use information and information technology ethically, flexibly and effectively.
  • To understand one’s own interests, aptitudes and abilities, and to develop and reflect upon personal goals with aspirations for further studies and future career.
  • To lead a healthy lifestyle with active participation in physical and aesthetic activities and be able to appreciate sports and the acts. 



  • Reading across the Curriculum Project
  • Process Writings 
  • Reading Workshops 
  • Field Trips and Project Learning
  • Drama Education
  • English Enrichment Programmes: Global Explorers, Thanksgiving Day, English Week, Character Day , English STEAM Week, English Ambassadors, Campus TV & Multicultural Day
  • External activities in 2024-2025:
  • SCOLAR, CUHK - Pri.5 From Reading to e-Writing with 21st Century Skills
  • SCOLAR, CUHK - Pri.4-6 Learning English with Drama Fun
  • SCOLAR, - Pri.4 REAL (Rugby English Active Learning Program)
  • SCOLAR, - Pri.1-2 Teacup Production -Dr Grammar